The Shocking Truth: Ignoring Foot Problems Could Be Worsening Your Pain from Head to Toe When we think about pain in our bodies, we often focus on areas like the back, shoulders, neck, or knees. But what if the...
Learn about common pain-causing health conditions, their progression paths, their causes, and effective treatment options. Our blog offers valuable information to people who experience pain and anyone who wishes to learn more about long-lasting, safe, and noninvasive treatments.
These articles also explain how Superior Physical Therapy addresses these common health problems through an innovative approach called the Superior Method. This approach aims to accurately identify the underlying cause of pain in order to develop a more tailored and collaborative treatment plan.
The Shocking Truth: Ignoring Foot Problems Could Be Worsening Your Pain from Head to Toe When we think about pain in our bodies, we often focus on areas like the back, shoulders, neck, or knees. But what if the...
Walking Pain-Free: Treating Plantar Fasciitis In our last blog post on Plantar Fasciitis, we covered the symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis and how to identify this painful heal condition. We also talked about the causes. Now let’s talk about treating Plantar...
Is Foot Pain Sabotaging Your Entire Body? Discover the Hidden Connection and Find Relief Now! When your feet hurt, it’s more than just an inconvenience—it could be a signal that something much deeper is going on in your body. Foot...
Walking Pain-Free: Understanding Plantar Fasciitis Plantar Fasciitis is a strange medical term and not well understood by the average person. But it can cause a lot of pain and decrease quality of life quite a bit. In Understanding Plantar Fasciitis,...
Resolving Foot Problems for Good Health Often overlooked in rehabilitating and relieving body pain is the benefit of resolving foot problems. Resolving foot problems cures body pain, because its mechanics effect the entire body as a kinetic chain. When...
Embracing Exercise at Any Age: A Guide for Older Adults Welcome to our special blog post dedicated to the importance of exercise for older adults. If you're 50 or older and wondering if it's too late to start or resume...
Understanding Back Pain Injections: A Comprehensive Guide Back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and daily activities. For those seeking relief, back pain injections can be an effective treatment option....
Beyond the Shoulder Turn: How Superior Physical Therapy Transforms Golfers' Games By Dr. Andrew Gorecki Golfers constantly strive for the perfect swing, a quest that often leads them down a path of endless adjustments and advice, such as the frequently...
The Misunderstood Nature of Shoulder Pain For many struggling with shoulder pain, diagnoses like shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tears, and labral tears sound all too familiar. These terms often conjure images of long-term pain management, invasive treatments, or even surgery....
Choosing the Best Path for Shoulder Pain Relief: Physical Therapy vs. Steroid Shots In the quest for relief from shoulder pain, patients are often faced with a choice between two common treatments: physical therapy or steroid injections. While both options...
Frozen Shoulder Mysteries Revealed: Causes, Symptoms, and Management As a physical therapist specializing in shoulder conditions, I frequently encounter patients struggling with a condition known as frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis. This debilitating condition not only causes discomfort but can...
Understanding and Managing Nighttime Shoulder Pain As a physical therapist specializing in shoulder conditions, one of the most common complaints I hear from patients is about shoulder pain that worsens at night. Nighttime shoulder pain can not only disrupt sleep...
If you’re out there struggling with knee pain and you’re looking for a natural solution and you want to avoid injections medications and surgery this series of three videos is going to help you. Watch Video #1: YouTube: The knee...
by Dr. Andrew Gorecki, DPT, Owner of Superior Physical Therapy If you're out there struggling with knee pain, and you're looking for a natural solution, and you want to avoid injections medications and surgery this article from the Pain-free Living...
Risks Associated with Injections and Knee Replacement The number one reason doctors and surgeons recommend injections or a knee replacement is knee pain combined with an image that indicates osteoarthritis. But this assessment is often simplistic in nature and these...
For patients with knee pain, the small, short-term gains in pain and function from arthroscopy are greatly outweighed by the “burden, postoperative limitations, and rare serious adverse effects” associated with the surgery, write the authors of a new clinical practice...
Joining us for Saturday's Knee Pain Workshop? These 10 answers to frequent questions will help you a ton! Not joining us? Why not?! Event starts at 10a at 3899 W. Front Street. Click here to join us! 1. What do...