Shoulder Pain Relief Strategies
Last time we talked about how physical therapists know that most shoulder pain is cause by a root musculoskeletal dysfunction elsewhere in the body. These dysfunctions can cause shoulder impingement or tears in the shoulder structures. I've got some great strategies that will provide you with shoulder pain relief.
Unfortunately, most health care practitioners don’t understand this simple connection between musculoskeletal dysfunction and shoulder problems. They are not taught about it in school and are not trained to treat it in their residencies.
From my experience and education as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I know that there are three main types of dysfunction that cause shoulder problems and pain.
Root Cause #1: Limited Shoulder Blade Mobility
The shoulder is made up of four joints that must move in sync. The shoulder blade is actually the socket of the shoulder joint and it must move in sync with the ball or head of the humerus (your upper arm bone). It is very, very common for tight upper back muscles to make the shoulder blade stiff so that it cannot move well. This is by far the most common reason why shoulders are painful and inflamed.
Root Cause #2: Limited Shoulder Joint Stability
The shoulder by design (as a ball and socket joint) is the most mobile in the entire body. With that design for extra mobility comes a risk. If the muscles around the shoulder joint are not providing enough strength and stability things can start to go wrong. With an unstable shoulder joint it is very common for the head of the humerus to have too much “play”—it moves around too much, which can create impingement and inflammation in the soft tissues of the shoulder.
Root Cause #3: Poor Upper Spine Mobility
The shoulder blade is a free-floating bone that moves along the rib cage. In order for the shoulder blade to move properly along its entire path of motion, the rib cage must also move. The ribs are attached to the upper spine. So ultimately it is crucial for the upper spine to move properly. It’s an important musculoskeletal chain reaction. When it isn’t working properly, shoulder pain is the result.
At Superior Physical Therapy, we know how to test your body’s chain reactions and determine the exact CAUSE of your shoulder pain. We also know how to prescribe the functional movement that will restore your body’s chain reactions, allow your body to heal naturally, and stop your pain.
So before seeking out medications, injections, or surgery, we urge you to give us a call. We can help you heal, give you the tools you need to stay healthy and stay out of the doctor’s office or hospital!
I made a quick video discussing the biggest opportunity people have to relieve shoulder pain
To schedule an appointment with one of our shoulder pain specialists call us at 231.944.6541.
Or attend our Free Shoulder Pain Workshop on September 17th. Call 231-941-6541 or visit to sign up.
I hope you enjoyed this three-part series on the Root Cause of Shoulder Pain. If you missed the other two, check out the links in the description.