You will find the best results in shoulder and other pain relief at our Clinics in Traverse City, MI. Call today for a Free Assessment appointment with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy. 231-944-6541
Watch Our Video (below) that demonstrates 2 Quick Exercises that will help with shoulder impingement or rotator cuff tendonitis. Or watch it on YouTube:
In the video Dr. Gorecki demonstrates 2 exercises that focus on gaining mobility in the upper spine. A lack of mobility here can greatly contribute to shoulder pain. So the pain is in the shoulder, but the dysfunction is really in the upper spine.
In order to get my arm up in the air, my body first has to load the muscles. Every motion our body makes has an equal and opposite motion called a load. Think about jumping. when I jump, I first go down before I go up. When I lift my arm up to the side, my hip and spine first move in the opposite direction so that my shoulder blade can rotate downward and load the muscles like a spring. Then my body pops up out of that as my shoulder muscles “explode” my arm up into the air. We call this chain reaction “Load to Explode”.
The exercises focus on increasing mobility in the upper spine, because if it’s tight and can’t move in the opposite direction and load the muscles, the shoulder will be in pain trying to explode up into the air.
If you are having pain in your shoulder when trying to raise your arm to the side and up into the air, please watch the video. These two really easy exercises let you work on the actual dysfunction of shoulder impingement—your upper spine
If you want to learn more about how many areas of the body can contribute to shoulder pain we’re hosting a free shoulder pain workshop in Traverse City, MI. You can click this link to register, or call us at 231-941-6541 to sign up.