Central: (231) 421-9300

The #1 Most Important Step in Relieving Low Back Pain

April 11, 2016

The #1 Most Important Step in Relieving Low Back Pain- Is Getting The Correct Information

Over the past 6 months we have been hosting totally free lower back pain workshops at our clinic the last Saturday of each month.  We have had over 300 people attend these workshops and the results have been unbelievable.  Each month we spend a Saturday morning together with about 50 people who all have amazing stories about suffering with lower back pain and what they have been through.  We usually spend the first 45 minutes just simply listening to others and what has brought them into the workshop in the first place.  I think this is the most important part of the workshop because it allows others to tell their story, be heard, and then people who are hearing the stories now know someone who has gone through the exact same thing.

After story time I tell the story of how I went through lower back pain and then ended up having surgery which failed.  I think having the opportunity to stand up as a physical therapist and tell my story has a huge impact on the people in the audience as well because they realize that we do understand what they are going through.  After story time then we move into what I call the meat and potatoes of the workshop which breaks down all of the information out there on lower back pain in a very organized fashion.  The biggest problem right now in the world we live in is that there is so much information out there that nobody knows what information is good, accurate and the best for them as an individual.  So we do our best to use language everyone understands and then explain the best we can.  The topics include information on the top 3 types of low back pain,

the top 3 causes of low back pain,

the top 3 treatments of low back pain.

We present research that has been done on various treatment techniques and simply try to help people understand what is out there and what has been proven to work.

The goal from our perspective is to help people leave feeling like there is hope. That there might be someone that we talked about that they have not tried. Most commonly people have had treatments that are focused mainly on their spine.  The problem with this approach is that for some people it is the areas around the spine that are actually causing stress on the spine itself.  So we talk about a lot about that topic.

At the end of the workshop we spend usually about half an hour answering any individual questions that people might have.  There is no sales pitch or product that we are trying to sell. We just want people to have more information and hope.  Suffering with lower back pain can be a terrible experience and can change our entire lives. We can get depressed, gain weight, become distant to our friends and family.  It is a game changer.

If you know anyone who might benefit from a workshop like this we our hosting another one May 21 and you can find more information by visiting www.thesuperiortherapy.com/lowbackworkshop or call us at 231.944.6541

P.S. If you are not interested in the workshop I also have an e-book that I wrote that you can have for free called "The Truths About Low Back Pain- The Hidden Culprits"  by Clicking Here

truth about lower back pain

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